Saturday, October 12, 2013

Gaming Tips....


 Cheat Codes:
Use a text editor to edit the "splintercelluser" and "splintercelluser1" files
in the "\ubisoft\tom clancy's splinter cell double agent\scda-offline\system"
folder. Scroll down until you find the area with the key bindings. For example,
use [F2] to [F4] and bind one of the following codes to a function key as
indicated. Press it during game play to toggle the cheat function.
Note: The game may crash after some time.

For example:

Effect                 Code  
Flight mode          - fly
Invisible to NPCs    - invisible 1
Invincibility        - invincible 1
Get health           - health
Get ammunition       - ammo
No clipping mode     - ghost
Disable no clipping  - walk
Freeze enemies       - playersonly
Kill all enemies     - killpawns
Spawn airfoil round  - summon echeloningredient.eringairfoilround
Spawn flashbang      - summon echeloningredient.eflashbang
Spawn frag grenade   - summon echeloningredient.efraggrenade
Spawn smoke grenade  - summon echeloningredient.esmokegrenade
Spawn sticky camera  - summon echeloningredient.estickycamera
Spawn sticky shocker - summon echeloningredient.estickyshocker
Spawn wallmine       - summon echeloningredient.ewallmine

Alternate endings:
Submitted by: conner54

Ending A - Good: Have your NSA trust above 33% and save at least two of the
three targets (Crouse Ship, Hisham, Lambert).

Ending B - Normal: Have your NSA trust below 33% and save all three targets
(Crouse Ship, Hisham, Lambert). Alternately, have your NSA trust above 33%
and destroy two of the three targets.

Ending C - Bad: Destroy all three targets (Crouse Ship, Hisham, Lambert).
Alternately, have your NSA trust below 33% and destroy two of the three targets.

Elite mode:
Successfully complete Solo mode on any difficulty setting to unlock the Elite
difficulty setting.

Getting back to cell in Ellsworth Penitentiary:
When you sneak out of your cell by crawling under the bed and getting the
walkie-talkie, you must get back within the time limit. When you are up on
the grating, instead of taking the pipe down drop off. You will knock out a
guard. Then, go back to your cell and act normal. The grating is the only
way down.

Okhotsk, Russia Part 2: Bomb defusing:
In Mission 6: Okhotsk, Russia Part 2, after the talk with the Captain he
reveals that he has rigged the bombs to go off. Emile Dufraisne tells you
that they are in the machine room. Look for a crawl space near you. Go
through it and down the ladder. Once you are in the machine room, disrupt
the light near to the ladder with your OPC and the camera that you will find
nearby. Then, go to the first bomb (you will recognize them by a green light)
on the same level as you are on. You can defuse them by cutting the wires in
a particular order. The wire you have selected for cutting will be highlighted
in green You will know which wire to cut by a short vibration in the controller.
When you select the wire the Captain will tell you now have three minutes.
The rest of the bombs are located on the machine towers (two of them) and one
is upstairs roughly opposite the first bomb. Note: There are three guards in
the room. It is recommended to quick save the game before attempting to defuse
your first bomb so that you have an idea of how it is done.

Disposing Hisham's body:
If you are going to kill Hisham, wait until he is down in the parking space.
Kill him and pick up his body. Walk to the back of the red car and put him in
the back. Press [Place Charge] and stand back. Detonate it and the "Opportunity
Objective complete - Dispose of Hisham's body" will appear.

Bonus equipment:
Complete the following special objectives in single player mode to unlock the
corresponding item.
Electric Lock Pick: Primary objectives in JBA HQ 1.
EMP Device - Enhanced: Primary objectives in JBA HQ 1.
EMP Grenade: Secondary objectives in the Iceland Assignment.
EMP Grenade - Attachment: Secondary objectives in the Cozumel Assignment.
Explosive Sticky Camera-Attachment: Secondary objectives in the Iceland Assignment.
Frag Grenade - Attachment: Primary objectives in JBA HQ 3.
Gas Grenade: Primary objectives in JBA HQ 1.
Gas Grenade - Attachment: Secondary objectives in the Cozumel Assignment.
Hacking Device - Force Hack Upgrade: Primary objectives in JBA HQ 2.
Hacking Device - Software Upgrade: Secondary objectives in the Shanghai Assignment.
Night Vision - Enhanced: Primary objectives in JBA HQ 3.
Shotgun Shell - Attachment: Secondary objectives in the Okhotsk Assignment.
Smoke Grenade - Attachment: Secondary objectives in the Shanghai Assignment.
Sonic Grenade - Attachment: Primary objectives in JBA HQ 2.
Ultrasonic emitter: Secondary objectives in the Ellsworth Assignment.
Wall Mine - Flash: Secondary objectives in the Okhotsk Assignment.
Wall Mine-stun: Secondary objectives in the Ellsworth Assignment.

Ellsworth Penitentiary: Get back to cell:
When you sneak out of your cell by crawling under the bed and getting the
walkie-talkie, you must get back under the time limit. When you are up on
the grating, instead of taking the pipe down drop off. You will knock out a
guard. Then, go back to your cell and act normal.
The grating is the only way down.

Kinshasa: Extended level:
At the end of the ninth mission, Kinshasa, when you have a sniper to shoot
Hamza Hishima do not shoot him. If you do you will complete the mission.
If you do not, the crane you are on will fall down. Then Emile will yell at
Sam for missing Hishima. Sam angrily turns off his radio and the level in now
extended for several minutes.

Defeating Emile:
Make sure you have a flash and a frag grenade and full life. There are a
lifebox near the door outside of Emile on the right wall. Go outside to Emile
and an intermission sequence begins. When it is done, on your left may be a
laser beam. Wait for it to go off. When the laser goes off and Emile is done
shooting (he will begin again), roll to the next chair or bench. Wait until he
is finished shooting again. Continue doing this and go up for the fence/rail.
Jump onto it. Go down from it and you now must take Emile out. Walk away for
one or two seconds, and make sure you can drop the flash grenade near Emile.
Shortly after it is dropped, put your frag grenade in the same place.
Emile will not see you drop it and will be defeated. Then, read the
computer and defuse the bomb. Note: Take your time.

Disposing Hisham's body:
If you are going to kill Hisham, wait until he is down in the parking space. Kill
him and pick up his body. Walk to the back of the red car and put him in the back.
Press [Place Charge] and stand back. Detonate it and the "Opportunity Objective
complete - Dispose of Hisham's body" will appear.

Hack Maps to get weapons and edit ammo number:
Submitted by: Monarch

Go into the directory of Splinter Cell: Double Agent and locate the subdirectory "Maps".
It will be in the offline folder, such as \...\SCDA\SCDA-Offline\Maps\

Open the *.INI file corresponding to the level you would like to modify.
For example, if you want to alter the Ellsworth Penitentiary stage, you would edit
the ...\SCDA-Offline\Maps\02_Jail_01.ini

Inside the INI file, locate the string

"// ============== STANDARD EQUIPMENT ============== "

You can change the starting equipment Fisher has by altering the values.
For example, StickyCamera=0 can be changed to anything you want. If you need a
list of equipment, scan the INI files of the other missions and simply copy/paste.
Save the file as an INI file and boot the game.

For advanced users, it is possible to modify the outcome of certain events.
For example, if you choose to provide yourself a weapon in one of the "JBA HQ"
maps (the 'undercover' maps where Sam has no weapons and no goggles) by changing
the string variable "MainGunType=EMainGunType_NoMainGun" to "MainGunType=EMainGunType_EF2000".

You can also modify the INI file located in the game's "System" directory labeled
TrustEvents.ini. Inside the file you will find the reward system for completing or
failing objectives. Using the above JBA HQ map as an example, you can modify the event:
"Terrorist disabled" from having a "-100" effect on JBA trust to a "+100" effect on
JBA trust by simply removing the " - " (minus sign) before the 100. So the understanding
here should be that now when the AI sees you blow somebody?s brains out with the FN F2000,
they love you for it.

Continue to experiment with events and weapon settings. The only thing to remember is that
you M UST also modify what "ANIMS"(Animations) are loaded when the level loads. Failure to
have the system load the animations for Sam drawing the weapon from his back can cause a
level to crash.

I would suggest using the rather short animation list from mission: 00_HQ_05_B.ini.
This particular mission under the variable: "[Echelon.EchelonLevelInfo]" excludes very
few animations from loading and therefore will work with most levels.
The more things you exclude from loading the more likely it is that the level may crash
or will not load correctly. ENJOY!

Challenge room:
In the mission where you infiltrate the White Box company, after you kill
the guard by the front car lot, infiltrate the building. When you first
see the room, you can either climb up the pipe and throw an object (frag
grenade, proximity mine, remote mine, sticky cam, or EMP grenade) into the
room. Even under the Realistic difficulty setting, the most the AI can do
is shout and raise their guns, provided you have upgraded each gadget to
the maximum. This room provides many ways to get and complete any challenge,
except for most of the Splinter Cell challenge group. Also, this can be
repeated by reverting to last checkpoint an unlimited amount of times.

Kobin's Mansion: See Archer's corpse:
During the "Kobin's Mansion" level in the single player campaign, you can
see the corpse of Archer from the multiplayer campaign. In the second room
you enter (with the chandelier), kill all the guards. Walk down the stairs
to the chandelier. There are some boxes directly under the stairs and a
slightly opened body bag leaning against them. If you look inside the body
bag you will see Archer. There is another body bag in the middle of the
room, but this one is completely closed. This is assumed to be the dead
body of Kestrel.

Rayman Raving Rabbids reference:
In the mission where you have to meet with Victor Coste, there are parade
balloons in the sky. Next to the spaceship balloon is a Raving Rabid from
Rayman Raving Rabbids.

All achievements & secret achievements:
Submitted by: Saidul

Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:

Realistic Difficulty (50 points):       Complete single player story on "Realistic" difficulty.
Co-op Realistic Difficulty (50 points): Complete the co-op story on "Realistic" difficulty.
Quality Time (20 points):               Invite a friend to join and participate in a co-op story
                                        or game mode session.
Hunter (10 points):                     Complete any 1 map in "Hunter" game mode in co-op.
Last Stand (10 points):                 Complete any 1 map in "Last Stand" game mode in co-op.
Hunter Completionist (20 points):       Complete all maps in "Hunter" game mode on rookie or normal
Hunter Master (50 points):              Complete all maps in "Hunter" game mode on realistic
Last Stand Completionist (20 points):   Complete all maps in "Last Stand" game mode on rookie or
                                        normal difficulty.
Last Stand Master (50 points):          Complete all maps in "Last Stand" game mode on realistic
Face-Off Completionist (20 points):     Complete all maps in "Face-Off" game mode using any connection
Face Off (10 points):                   Win one match in "Face-Off" game mode on any difficulty.
Preparation Master (30 points):         Complete all prepare & execute challenges.
Stealth Master (30 points):             Complete all vanish challenges.
Best Of The Best (30 points):           Complete all Splinter Cell challenges.
Well-Rounded (50 points):               Complete all challenges.
Weapon Upgraded (10 points):            Purchase all 3 upgrades for any 1 weapon.
Gadget Upgraded (10 points):            Purchase all 3 upgrades for any 1 gadget.
Weapons Expert (20 points):             Purchase all 3 upgrades for all weapons.
Gadgets Expert (20 points):             Purchase both upgrades for all gadgets.
Weapons Collector (20 points):          Unlock all weapons in the weapon vault.
Variety (10 points):                    Purchase any 1 uniform.
Accessorizing (10 points):              Purchase any 1 accessory for any 1 uniform.
Ready For Anything (20 points):         Purchase all 9 accessories for all uniforms.
Fashionable (20 points):                Purchase all 6 texture variants for all uniforms.
Perfect Hunter (20 points):             Complete any map in Hunter without ever having been detected
                                        on realistic difficulty.
Last Man Standing (50 points):          In Last Stand, survive all enemy waves of any map in one session
                                        without failing on any difficulty.
Revelations (10 points):                Discover Anna Grimsdottir's dark secret.

Additionally, there are 18 secret achievements:
Merchant's Street Market (20 points):    Complete Single Player Story "Merchant's Street Market"
                                         on any difficulty.
Kobin's Mansion (20 points):             Complete Single Player Story "Kobin's Mansion" on any
Price Airfield (20 points):              Complete Single Player Story "Price Airfield" on any
Diwaniya, Iraq (20 points):              Complete Single Player Story "Diwaniya, Iraq" on any
Washington Monument (20 points):         Complete Single Player Story "Washington Monument" on
                                         any difficulty.
White Box Laboratories (20 points):      Complete Single Player Story "White Box Laboratories"
                                         on any difficulty.
Lincoln Memorial (20 points):            Complete Single Player Story "Lincoln Memorial" on
                                         any difficulty.
Third Echelon HQ (20 points):            Complete Single Player Story "Third Echelon HQ" on
                                         any difficulty.
Michigan Ave. Reservoir (20 points):     Complete Single Player Story "Michigan Ave. Reservoir"
                                         on any difficulty.
Downtown District (20 points):           Complete Single Player Story "Downtown District" on
                                         any difficulty.
White House (20 points):                 Complete Single Player Story "White House" on any difficulty.
St. Petersburg Banya (20 points):        Complete CO-OP Story "St. Petersburg Banya" on any difficulty.
Russian Embassy (20 points):             Complete CO-OP Story "Russian Embassy" on any difficulty.
Yastreb Complex (20 points):             Complete CO-OP Story "Yastreb Complex" on any difficulty.
Modzok Proving Grounds (20 points):      Complete CO-OP Story "Modzok Proving Grounds" on any difficulty.
Judge, Jury and Executioner (10 points): Take down Tom Reed.
Man of Conviction (10 points):           Allow Tom Reed to live.
Survivor (10 points):                    Battle your CO-OP teammate and survive.

Easy achievements:
Submitted by: Saidul

Easy "Judge, Jury and Executioner" and "Man Of Conviction" achievements
Reach the final level in the game in the White House, and choose either to kill Tom Reed or spare
him to get the "Judge, Jury and Executioner" achievement (if you kill him) or "Man Of Conviction"
achievement (if you spare him). To easily get both achievements, once the game is completed and
the credits have begun, select the "Continue Story" option at the main menu. You will resume the
game closer to the ending choice, instead of repeating the entire game again, and can select the
other ending to get the other achievement.

Easy "Last Man Standing" achievement and Multi-kill challenges
Play Last Stand mode with a partner in Co-op mode. Select the Mozdok Grounds 1 map. Choose three
Gadget Upgrades for your suit; Five-Seven and AK47 (or any gun with a scope) for weapons; and
Proxy Mine, Remote Mine (or whichever required for challenges) for gadgets. Have each person
stand by the door on the second floor stairwells so you are inside the stairwell. Shoot out the
light above you, if one is present. Look directly out the door or to the right (depending on which
stairwell you are in) to see a doorway. As long as you stay in the stairwells, it will force the
enemies to only spawn from that doorway. Just focus fire on the doorway (headshots). If you get
overwhelmed, toss a mine at the door. After you clear a wave, run over to the dead enemies to collect
ammunition for the next round, then hurry back to the stairwells. Repeat this as many times as desired.
If done correctly, you should be able to complete it in approximately twenty minutes without ever dying.

Easy "Weapons Collector" achievement
Successfully complete single player Story mode to unlock all weapons except the AK47 assault rifle,
AKS-74U sub machine gun, and SR-2M machine pistol. These weapons must be collected and returned to
the nearest weapons stash in co-op Story mode.

Easy challenges:
Submitted by: Saidul

In the mission where you infiltrate the White Box company, after killing the guard by the front car
lot, infiltrate the building. When you first see the room, you can climb up the pipe or throw an
object (frag grenade, proximity mine, remote mine, sticky cam, or EMP grenade) into the room.
Even on the Realistic difficulty, the most the AI can do is shout and raise their guns, provided
you have upgraded each gadget to the maximum. This room provides many ways to get and complete any
challenge, except for most of the Splinter Cell challenge group. Note: This can be repeated as
many times as desired by reverting back to last checkpoint.

"Insurgency Pack" bonus downloadable content achievements:
Submitted by: Arju

The following achievements require the "Insurgency Pack" bonus downloadable content:
Demolition crew (30 points):
Complete CO-OP "Under Construction" while shooting all the explosives in realistic difficulty.

Experimental Treatment (20 points):
Complete CO-OP "Salt Lake City, UT" mission on Rookie or Normal difficulty.

Just free yourself (20 points):
Complete CO-OP "Portland, ME" mission on Rookie or Normal difficulty.

King of the crypt (30 points):
In the "Crypt", perform twelve hand to hand takedowns without alerting other enemies.

Rise from the graves (20 points):
Complete CO-OP "New Orleans, LA" mission on Rookie or Normal difficulty.

Team congratz (50 points):
Complete Deniable Ops: Insurgency on Realistic difficulty in Hunter or Infiltration game mode.

Thinking inside the box (30 points):
In the first area of the "San Francisco, CA" map, neutralize twelve enemies inside containers.

Watch the soap (30 points):
In the "Washroom", neutralize eighteen enemies.

Who let the docks out? (20 points):
Complete CO-OP "San Francisco, CA" mission on Rookie or Normal difficulty.


  Use the following method to enable cheat codes in the game.
1.Start the game and create a profile. Do NOT use the "DEFAULT" profile.
Save the game at least once after creating your profile.

2.Open up the .ini file for your profile using Notepad. You can find this
file using the folder structure "Documents and Settings\YOUR USERNAME\
Application Data\Ubisoft\Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos Theory\profiles".
The ini file is named the same as the profile you created in step #1.

Note: The Application Data folder is HIDDEN in Windows by default. To unhide
it, open a windows explorer window, select Tools -> Folder Options. Select
the view tab and in the advanced settings area, in the hidden files and
folders node, select the "Show hidden files and folders".

3.Look for empty keys to bind commands to. These may look like "F1=", "F2=",
etc. Add any of the following cheat commands to the end of these blank

Code                                         Result
Invisible 1                                - Invisibility
Invincible 1                               - God Mode
ammo                                       - Give Ammo
fly                                        - Fly Mode
walk                                       - Walk Mode
playersonly                                - Freeze Enemies
health                                     - Give Health
killpawns                                  - Kill All Enemies
ghost                                      - No Clipping Mode
OPSAT                             - Unknown Effect
summon echeloningredient.eringairfoilround - Spawn airfoil round
summon echeloningredient.eflashbang        - Spawn flashbang
summon echeloningredient.efraggrenade      - Spawn frag grenade
summon echeloningredient.esmokegrenade     - Spawn smoke grenade
summon echeloningredient.estickycamera     - Spawn sticky camera
summon echeloningredient.estickyshocker    - Spawn sticky shocker
summon echeloningredient.ewallmine         - Spawn wallmine
summon echeloningredient.egazgrenade       - Spawn gas grenade
summon echeloningredient.eammosniper       - Spawn 20mm ammo
summon echeloningredient.eammoshotgun      - Spawn Shotgun ammo
summon echeloningredient.eammof2000        - Spawn NATO 5.56x45mm
summon echeloningredient.eammofn7          - Spawn Fn7 ammo

So, once you bind the commands, it will look something like:

F2=Invincible 1

...etc. Make sure there are no spaces between the "=" and the command.

4.Save the file and start the game back up, selecting your profile. Now, while
playing you can use the keys that you set up in the file. Using the example
above, pressing "F2" would give you god mode, etc.

Start the levels:
SplinterCell3.exe 03_Bank

SplinterCell3.exe X (X are the Level):


The *.EXE can be found under:
...\Ubisoft\Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos Theory\System


Mission 1: Lighthouse
No keypad locked doors

Mission 2: Cargo Ship
No keypad locked doors

Mission 3: Bank
Keypad to left security booth on first floor: 3624
Keypad to right security booth on first floor: 3624
Keypad to main security room: 2306
Keypad to treasurer's office: 8645
Keypad to bank's back door: 3901
Keypad before president's office: Code unknown, must be hacked
Keypad to safe in president's office: Code unknown, must be hacked

Mission 4: Penthouse
Keypad To Dvorak Room: Code unknown, must be hacked

Mission 5: Displace
Keypad to door between meeting room and lobby on second floor: 8136
Keypad to door between meeting room and lobby on first floor: 8136
Keypad to CEO's meeting room: 2346
Keypad to CEO's office: 2609
Keypad to fire escape: 3485
Keypad to central server room: Code unknown, must be hacked
Keypad to R&D server room: Code unknown, must be hacked

Mission 6: Hokkaido
No Keypad Locked Doors

Mission 7: Battery
Keypad to shipping area: 1879
Keypad to elevator: Code unknown, must be hacked

Mission 8: Seoul
No keypad locked doors

Mission 9: Bathhouse
Keypad to owner's office: 3650

Mission 10: Kokubo Sosho
Keypad To Server Room: 1945

Hint for Catching Shetland:
Have your sniper zoomed-in on the guard. When there is a fight, shoot, run,
and catch Shetland. Then, end the mission.

Bank: Invisible laser beam:
To avoid detection by the invisible laser trip wire in the entrance of the vault,
closely examine the entrance with your thermal goggles on. Then, use your OCP to
disable the laser emitter and walk out of the vault. By doing this, you can leave
without sounding the alarm.

Bathhouse: Finding the bombs:
After going through the gate when chasing Shetland, the first bomb is directly
to the left of the gate that you enter. Go left through a little crevice and you
should see a red light flashing. Go to it and disarm it. When you do that, one of
Shetland's gaurds will walk up the stairs. Kill him. To get to the second bomb,
go up the stairs. Turn left then turn right and look straight ahead. You should
see another red flashing light down below the walkway. Hop over the ledge of the
railing and disarm the second bomb. When you are done disarming the bomb, jump on
to the railing and pull yourself up. Two guards will be to your left, walking on
the walkway. They will probably hear you; get ready to kill them. It is fairly
difficult to kill them without losing a lot of life, or at least dying.
After you kill them, go down the walkway to the back wall. About halfway you will
see another red flashing light. Jump across the little gap and disarm it. A guard
will come through the back door right when you disarm the bomb. Kill him, then go
through the door and meet Shetland. You will then have to make a critical choice;
note: pull the trigger. It would be a good idea to quicksave the game whenever you
disarm and kill the guards.

Bathhouse: Alternate Shetland Death:
At the end of the level, Shetland and Sam will be on top of a roof with their guns
pointed at each other. After a short conversation, Shetland will put his gun away
and say "You wouldn't shoot an old friend". You are given a choice, shoot or put
your gun away. If you shoot, Shetland will stumble backwards and the intermission
sequence for the level's ending will play. However if you put your gun away, Shetland
will quickly pull his gun out and point it at Sam. Sam will duck his weapon and stab
Shetland in the stomach before throwing him. This will then start the same ending

Bathhouse: Splinter Cell reference:
You must go through the warm baths at one point in the level. There are two guards
here. Interrogate one of them and he will tell you that Shetland's elite guards have
thermal goggles. He will also add that they will not do much good in steam, because
steam is not fog, as in an abbatoir. This is a reference to the original Splinter
Cell game, in which Abbatoir is a level.

Hokkaido: Splinter Cell reference:
After you scan Milon Nedich's liscence plate and enter the building, you will overhear
some guards talking about ninjas. One will be telling the other that he was stationed
on an oil rig and that it was attacked by a ninja. This is a reference to the first
Splinter Cell in which Sam is the ninja.

I-SDF Base: Splinter Cell reference:
You can overhear a couple of guards talking in the main hall. One will say something
about how guarding the place is just like guarding the CIA HQ; nobody would break in
there. This is a reference to the original Splinter Cell, in which you must break into
CIA headquarters.

I-SDF Base: Metal Gear Solid reference:
When you get to the lower floors in the I-SDF base, interrogate a guard. Sam will ask
him about his LTL (less-than-lethal) weapon. The guard will tell Sam that the ammunition
is some kind of electric round. Sam asks where he can find some. To this the guard replies:
"It's not like you can shake me, and make my ammo drop on the floor". This is a reference
to the Metal Gear Solid games, in which you can do just that.

Lighthouse: Alternate way to retrieve the radio data:
During the mission you will have to overhear some data being said on a radio transmission
by a guard. If you fail to do this, you can just find the data in a filing cabinet next
to the radio.

Penthouse: Bouncing guard:
On the ground floor after you have knocked out two guards (the one who is repairing the
elevator and the other one that is talking to him), put one or more of the guards in the
elevator with Sam. Sam must turn on his night vision and press the button to go to the
top floor. Watch the guard's body bounce around like popcorn.

If you move around with your gun drawn, the noise meter will not move. This is very
useful when sneaking up on someone quickly.

100% rating:
In order to get a 100% rating on any mission, you must complete the level with the
following statistics. It is unknown at this time if there is a reward for getting a
100% rating on every mission.
Enemies killed: 0
Civilians killed: 0
Bodies Found: 0
Times Identified as intruder: 0
Alarms sounded: 0

Moving faster in water:
In any mission when you are in water, take your gun out. You will move faster.

Taking lights out silently:
To take out lights silently, first OCP the light, then shoot it instantly.

Destroying Wall Mines:
If you encounter a Wall Mine, do not use your OCP. Instead you must destroy it. Either
throw a frag grenade at it, or shoot it with a gun (pistol recommended).

Alternate dialogue:
If you trigger alarms, the guards will be more alert and wear helmets. When you have four
alarms all secondary and opportunity objectives are cut, and the funny long dialogue is
simplified. This is what happens when Otomo tries to commit seppuku. Fisher says "I think
someone is taking himself a bit too seriously." Lambert then says "We can't afford to let
him die, Fisher. Get in there and stabilize him. Fast!" The following occurs when you have
four alarms. Lambert says "Otomo tried to commit seppuku. Get in there and stabilize him,
fast." When you have four alarms in a level all the funny conversations are replaced by one
person giving a monologue.

Defeating ISDF guards:
In any mission where you must deal with an ISDF guard, you cannot knock them out with gas.
Try using a shotgun.

Aquarius: Killer area:
Go to the pirate room, then go to the left. Go to the little hallway to the Techroom. When
you are on your way (if you are still in the hallway) look to one of the sides to find a
little box area. Crouch into it. If someone presses the button on the outside, the area
will be closed and you will not be able to get out. If you stay there too long, the area
will fill up with water and you will die. The only way to stay alive is if someone presses
the button again and the water drains out.

Easter Egg: Metal Gear Solid:
Enemies in the Kokubo Sosho's (stage 10) basement have LTL (Less Than Lethal) stunguns.
Interrogate any of the guards in the basement about their zapping toy for some amusing
comments regarding ammunition. Take that Snake!

Easter Egg: Prince of Persia:
During Stage 5, while infiltrating Displace International, Fisher will be able to come
across two guards talking about another great UbiSoft hit the Prince of Persia Warrior
Within. It is the small cafe next to a laser filled hallway, past a keypad locked door.
A second way to access the room is through a vent, but about half the conversation is
muffled due to Fisher being stuck inside a vent.

Cameras In The Dark:
Cameras that do not use thermographic vision can be be fooled by shooting out all the
ambient and direct light sources to darken the area. As long as the light meter is
completely dark, these normal cameras cannot see your spy.

Dvorak's Output:
Speak to the old man multiple times until the conversation clears and he walks to the
area with two of the five tubes. With only three tubes to watch over, Fisher can hit
the switch on the tubes as the lights above each tube go from green to orange. Hit the
switch before they turn red and overheat to get past this part.

Bank: Invisible laser beam:
There is an invisible laser at the entrance to the bank vault. Before you go down, take
a guard down with you and into the vault. When you leave, just pick him up and walk out
and the alarm will not go off.

Deathstreak bonuses:
In Multiplayer mode, die in certain times to unlock bonuses.

Unlockable        How to unlock
Final Stand     - 4 deaths (unlocked at Level 32; puts the player
                  into Last Stand mode upon death with the primary weapon)
Juiced          - 4 deaths (increase movement speed for a few seconds upon
                  next spawn)
Martyrdom       - 4 deaths (unlocked at Level 51; drops a live grenade 
                  upon death)   
Hollow Points   - 5 deaths (unlocked at Level 71; bullets inflict more damage
                  for one kill)
Revenge         - 5 deaths (displays position of the last enemy that killed
                  you on the mini-map)
Dead Man's Hand - 6 deaths (unlocked at Level 57; puts the player into Last
                  Stand mode upon death with C4 equipped)

Level bonuses:
Reach the indicated level to unlock the corresponding bonus.

Level 5: Throwing Knife
Level 6: SCAR-L (Assault Rifle)
Level 8: SPAS-12 (Shotgun)
Level 10: P99 (Handgun)
Level 11: Blind Eye
Level 12: Dragunov (Sniper)
Level 13: Scrambler (Tactical)
Level 14: PKP Pecheneg (LMG)
Level 15: Hardline
Level 15: Revenge (Death Streak)
Level 16: MP9 (Machine Pistol)
Level 18: CM901 (Assault Rifle)
Level 19: Sitrep
Level 20: Specialist (Strike Package)
Level 21: EMP Grenade (Tactical)
Level 22: A550 (Sniper)
Level 22: Extreme Conditioning
Level 24: Javelin (Launcher)
Level 26: AA-12 (Shotgun)
Level 27: Assassin
Level 28: PP90M1 (SMG)
Level 29: Smoke Grenade (Tactical)
Level 30: MP412 (Handgun)
Level 31: Steady Aim
Level 32: Type 99 (Assault Rifle)
Level 33: Final Stand (Death Streak)
Level 36: Skorpion (M. Pistol)
Level 37: Bouncing Betty (Anti Personnel Mine)
Level 38: P90 (SMG)
Level 40: Stinger (Launcher; vehicle lock-on only)
Level 42: G36C (Assault Rifle)
Level 44: RSASS (Sniper)
Level 45: Trophy System (deflects enemy explosives/missiles)
Level 46: .44 Magnum (Handgun)
Level 47: Overkill
Level 48: Striker (Shotgun)
Level 50: ACR (Assault Rifle)
Level 51: Martyrdom (Death Streak)
Level 52: XM25 (Launcher)
Level 53: Claymore (Anti Personnel Mine)
Level 54: MK46 (LMG)
Level 55: Dead Silence
Level 56: PM9 (SMG)
Level 57: Dead Man's Hand (Death Streak)
Level 58: Five Seven (Handgun)
Level 60: MK14 (Assault Rifle)
Level 61: Tactical Insertion (marker to place your next re-spawn)
Level 62: Model 1887 (Shotgun)
Level 64: M320 GLM (Launcher)
Level 66: MSR (Sniper)
Level 68: AK-47 (Assault Rifle)
Level 69: C4 Explosives
Level 70: G18 (Machine Pistol)
Level 71: Hollow Points (Death Streak)
Level 72: M60E4 (LMG)
Level 74: MP7 (SMG)
Level 76: Desert Eagle (Handgun)
Level 77: Portable Radar (shows enemy moment within its radius)
Level 78: FAD (Assault Rifle) Level 80: RPG-7 (Launcher)

Weapon Proficiencies:
Here is the list of weapon proficiencies you can unlock for every weapon in
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.

Unlockable    How to unlock
Kick        - Reduced recoil.   
Range       - Increased range.   
Attachments - Equip two attachments to the same weapon.   
Focus       - Reduced flinch when shot.   
Melee       - Faster melee.   
Stability   - Reduced sway.   
Impact      - Better bullet penetration through walls.   
Speed       - Faster movement with weapon equipped.   
Damage      - Shells do more damage.   
Breath      - Hold breath while aiming down the sights.   

Quicker Melee:
Remember you could melee faster with Akimbo USP .45s in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2?
Well you can still do it in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. Just equip USP Akimbo and
use your knife, you will noticed that you will be pulling out your knife faster.

How to tell you are host:
Press Tilde (`) or Shift + Tilde. If a Remote Console (or Rcon) shows up. Then you are
the host. This is more noticeable with Shift + Tilde because it shows the entire killfeed
from the round before.

Ladder - Aim Time:
Prior to climbing a ladder, press the melee button, and then begin to climb. If timed
correctly (for example the ladder on Seatown), the character will no longer need to
bring out his gun and therefore upon reaching the top of the ladder, the gun will
already be brought out ready to fire. This can save time and may benefit in you getting
a kill.

Survival Mode [Solo Play]:
Submitted by: Elmark

This is how you get many cash in MW3 SURVIVAL MODE SOLO PLAY ONLY!

1. Open the latest Cheat Engine (I used 6.1)
2. Open the game, Survival Mode MW3.
3. When the game starts, kill an enemy. After that, put how many cash you've earned on
   Cheat Engine and First Scan.
4. Do step 3 again and again until you get 4 addresses in the address bar.
5. Double click all of the addresses and change all of their values to: 50,000
6. After changing, click the boxes on the left of the addresses [All of those 4 boxes]
7. Then, go back to the game and kill another enemy then walah!

Note: You cannot be banned by VAC cause you're on solo play, don't do it online.


Complete Warrior (30 points):
Get a kill with the following weapons in a single life: Assault Rifle,
Jet, Tank

Third Tour (20 points):
Get a kill with each of the following vehicles: the BTR-90, DPV and

Gunslinger (20 points):
Get 10 kills with each of the ten Back to Karkand weapons

Like a Boss (30 points):
Get a kill with the skid loader

Jaws (20 points)
Take a swim in the Oman Hotel swimming pool

Multiplayer Kit Unlockables:
Using a kit as you play will level it up, just like your rank. Level up
your kit to unlock more kit exclusive weapons or gadgets. Battlefield 3
calls it a score, such as Assault Score, but it's the same type of XP.
The only difference is it's being directed to a Kit.

The following lists show the amount of score you need for each unlock and
the total amount of score. Some weapons require multiple scores, according
to the Battlelog on Battlefield's website. It's not know which scores you
need for those particular weapons.

-=Assault Kit

    7,000 AS - Defibrillator
    13,000 (20,000) AS - M416
    21,000 (41,000) AS - M320
    31,000 (72,000) AS - AEK-971
    41,000 (113,000) AS - F2000
    53,000 (166,000) AS - M26 MASS
    66,000 (232,000) AS - AN-94
    441,000 and 232,000 AS - G3A3
    126,000, 441,000, and 232,000 AS - KH2002

-=Engineer Kit

    7,000 ES - FIM-92 Stinger and SA-18 IGLA
    13,000 (20,000) ES - M15 AT Mine
    21,000 (41,000) ES - SCAR-H
    31,000 (72,000) ES - EOD Bot
    41,000 (113,000) ES - A-91
    119,000 (232,000) ES - G36C
    278,000 and 232,000 ES - SG553

-=Support Kit

    6,000 SS - M249
    11,000 (17,000) SS - C4
    18,000 (35,000) SS - PKP Pecheneg
    25,000 (60,000) SS - M224 Mortar
    40,000 (100,000) SS - M240B
    40,000 (140,000) SS - M18 Claymore
    60,000 (200,000) SS - M60E4

-=Recon Kit

    6,000 RS - SV98
    12,000 (18,000) RS - T-UGS
    18,000 (36,000) RS - SKS
    27,000 (69,000) RS - SOFLAM
    36,000 (99,000) RS - M40A5
    47,000 (146,000) RS - MAV
    57,000 (203,000) RS - M98B
    252,000 and 203,000 RS - M39 EMR

How to Get 'Roadkill' Trophy:
In the third mission, Uprising, find the yellow cab on the side of a little
cliff (this is in an area overlooking a bunch of parked cars) that is over
two enemy solders. Go up to the car and press the action button to push it
over onto the soldiers below. You will get the Roadkill Achievement/Trophy.

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